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Automated Picture Generation: With the latest release, we have implemented AI technology to automatically generate four pictures that provide users with an idea of what a property looks like. By utilizing the actual location of the property, our AI algorithms analyze geographical features, vegetation, and orography to render photorealistic visualizations. This feature significantly speeds up the process of on-ramping a property and enables users to create marketing material for selling it. Users still have the flexibility to edit descriptions and upload actual pictures and videos for a more accurate representation.
Enhanced App Layout: We have revamped the layout of the property page to give greater prominence to pictures. Now, images appear at the top of the page alongside a flyover view of the property. This new layout provides a visually appealing and immersive experience for potential buyers. We have also removed completely the side menu, to allow for a richer and more immersive experience, giving more room to the content and streamlining navigation.
Improved International Support: While direct on-ramping of properties from abroad is not yet supported within our application, we have made significant strides in enhancing our infrastructure and protocol for international properties. This update ensures that key components are in place to seamlessly integrate international properties in the future.